Monday, September 21, 2009

I am not an addict so don't treat me like one.

Feeling a bit frustrated and bugged by my doctor. I've had problems sleeping as long as I can remember. About a year after Justin and I were married it got really bad so my doctor prescribed me Ambien. It worked great. I took it for a couple of months. It got my body in the habit of going to sleep. After that I quit taking it. Till I was pregnant with CJ towards the end of my pregnancy I just couldn't sleep. Ambien is safe to take in a low dose while you are pregnant so my doctor prescribed it to me again. I took it for about a month till I had CJ and haven't had to take it since. Well my bad sleeping habit has started up again. I think partly to my husbands wonderful work schedule and partly due to the fact that my moms one year anniversary of her death is coming up in a couple of weeks and I can't get her out of my mind. I've been wanting to go get a prescription again but have been putting it off because I didn't want to spend the money to go to the doctor just to get a prescription. Well last week I got sick so I went to a doctor here in town. While I was there I talked to him about my sleeping problems. He told me he didn't like Ambien so he was going to prescribe me something else and if it didn't work to let him know. I was a little irritated at first. I didn't want to spend the money on something that we weren't sure if it was going to work. But I filled it anyways. Well guess what it didn't work. It would make me a little drowsy, but being tired was never the problem. It's getting my mind to shut down thats the problem. When I would finally fall a sleep I would wake up a couple of hours later with a terrible dry mouth ( one of the lovely side affects to this medication). So I called the Doc. up today. Told him the problem and asked him to please call me in some Ambien. Reluctantly he agreed, but continued to tell me he would not ever call me in a refill. What gives. He is treating me like I am addicted. I understand that you can get addicted to Ambin if you abuse it. But I never have. I have always used it as it is meant to be use, as a short term solution not a long term one. It really got to me. I wanted to give him a peace of my mind. He has no reason to treat me like I'm some kind of addict. I wanted to tell him that less them a year ago my mother died because of her addiction, my father went to prison for his and I know a few who are addicted to prescription drugs and that's not me nor will it ever be. I'm not an addict so don't treat me like one!


  1. I am so sorry that he was being such a punk!!! I hope you can just move back soon, so you can live in a normal town with normal doctors! :)

  2. Sucks Tiff! Tara, Don't forget that Jusin and I and our whole family, cousins, and ancesters come from that town! There are amazingly good people there that would do anything for you! BTW I have had Dr. here treat me the same way!!
